You did it! You wrote … a lot. Now your story is waiting for the next step on the path to publishing. I’m Zac Tighe, a fiction editor who can help get your book ready for readers.
I specialize in all subgenres of fantasy. That means your book is in the hands of an editor who will love going through every step of the story.
What services I Offer
Developmental Editing
Developmental editing looks at the overall content of a story. Is the plot moving too slowly? Are the characters consistent and believable? Does the world I've built make sense without overwriting? I will help discover the answers and refine your story in the first step of editing.
My Story
I’ve been a professional freelance editor since 2015. It started as just a part-time gig to make a little extra when I was an English teacher—but evolved and grew into a passion for helping polish stories and the words that form them. My love of fantasy pushed my career into novel editing. Fantasy is the books I read, the stories I write, the games I play, the shows I watch, and the dreams that pleasantly haunt me whether sleeping or awake. Editing now gives me the privilege of working with authors to craft more stories for me to treasure.
“Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.” ~ Dr. Seuss
Case Studies
Book an Appointment
Yes, the world-renown authors are talented. There is no question about that. But even the big boys need help polishing. The best sellers are where they are because of editors. Some dedications list several editors, so many there is an editor whose job it is to manage the other editors... If you're looking for someone to work on your story, schedule an appointment.